It's been ten days since these munchkins arrived at the shelter. Masha, Vlada, and Platon have been taking amazing care of them! 
From bottle feeding them every three hours, to ensuring they are warm, comfortable and giving them lots of love, these puppies are getting the best care possible. So it's not hard to see why they are growing so quickly! 

A huge thank you to everyone who has helped by purchasing bottles and formula from our wish-list! 

We'll be bottle feeding the puppies for 3 more weeks! If you would like to contribute formula you can find it on our wish-list here.
You might have noticed in these recent photos that we are down one puppy. Unfortunately one of the litter mates did not make it, she was the smallest of the litter. So while we are sad to loose her we are glad that we were able to rescue you her from the street and provide her with comfort.