
Hi, I’m Lulu. I was once a homeless dog but then I got into a terrible accident. I fell into a canal and paralyzed my back legs. I was devastated, what would I do? Where would I go? Nobody wants a homeless dog. So who would want a homeless dog that can’t move her legs and can’t even pee by herself? 

I didn’t know about the Sochi Dogs Sanctuary that’s made just for dogs like me. It’s a pretty special place.  I have a special spot where I sleep. In the morning Masha wakes me up, helps me go to the bathroom and then gets me into my wheels. Then I’m off to play with all the other dogs. We race all around the shelter. I think I might be the fastest! 

After a year with my wheels I got so fast that I was getting sores on my legs. All the humans love me very much and they were worried because one of the sores got infected. They took me to a special vet and I had to get two surgeries to get my back limbs removed. Then they helped me heal and now that I’m all recovered there is nothing stopping me as long as I am at the Sochi Sanctuary!  

Everyone here takes such good care of me. I need lots of extra medical attention and they say that the vet visits get very expensive.

Please consider sponsoring my stay.

Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Sochi Dogs is 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization

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